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White Branches: Wellness to Womb

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Hormonal Wellness

Hormonal Wellness

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  • On-Demand program

  • 7 days

  • All levels


🌈 Welcome to the transformative journey of the Tone & Transform 7-Day Wellness Program! 🌟 I'm Suzanne J Lawson, and I'm beyond excited to be your yoga coach on this path to positive change.

In crafting this program, I personally recorded a series of seven invigorating videos, each captured in the glow of a new morning. By intertwining this rejuvenating practice with a mindful diet, I experienced a remarkable 7-pound transformation in just 7 days!

Here's what our daily rendezvous on the mat entails:

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ **20 Minutes Daily:** Together, we'll spend just 20 minutes each day, embracing three unique yet straightforward circuits to activate your entire body. During our moments of repose, we'll gracefully transition into classic yoga poses, easing away any residual tension. This time is yours to connect with your body, allowing you to freestyle and cater to its unique needs. Whether you want to explore suggested postures or simply lie back and rest, the choice is entirely yours.

πŸ“… **Your Personalized Journey:** As part of this program, you'll gain exclusive access to the comprehensive Tone & Transform the Pounds Meal Planner, along with delightful bonus gifts designed to support your journey toward your goals.

Remember, this is *your* practice! I genuinely hope you relish every moment of the Tone & Transform 7-Day Wellness Program.

With heartfelt love,

Your Coach, Suzanne πŸŒΈπŸ’–

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I need any yoga equipment?

    No!Β  Whilst I practice on my yoga mat you can do this without. You may want to wear trainers (I recorded in bare feet) as this may be more comfortable for you.

Course Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Clear Your Space
  3. Day One
  4. Day Two
  5. Day Three
  6. Day Four
  7. Day Five
  8. Day Six
  9. Day Seven
  10. You did it! Bonus Practice
